How much does damp proofing cost?

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If you’re curious to know how much damp proofing costs in 2024, our comprehensive guide will show you what you can expect to pay. The average damp proof course cost for a home in the UK is £850. That’s whether you need work on your whole property, one room or a couple of external walls.

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It’s essential to protect your home from damp to prevent any future problems of structural damage, mould growth and even health issues for those living on the property.

Damp proofing refers to the methods used to prevent moisture from entering the internal parts of a building. It typically involves the installation of a damp proof course (DPC) at the base of the walls. This barrier is designed to prevent water from rising from the ground.

Damp proofing can also include treatments for penetrating damp caused by water leaking through walls and condensation control.

The process can sound quite complex, so you might wonder how much it will cost to hire a professional to damp proof your property. This guide will take you through everything you need to know and help you budget accurately.

We'll cover the following topics in this pricing guide:
  1. Average damp proofing costs
  2. Cost breakdown of damp proofing per type
  3. How long does damp proofing take?
  4. How to reduce damp proofing costs
  5. FAQ
  6. Your damp proofing checklist

Average damp proofing costs

Solving or preventing damp issues may seem complicated, time consuming and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. MyBuilder can help you plan for every part of the process, as well as connect you with a local, reliable professional to carry out the work.

There are different types of damp damage and various solutions to treat or prevent it, which means it's difficult to estimate how much damp proofing will cost without knowing the specifics of your project. However, here are some estimated costs for various types of damp proofing services. Remember, these prices are an average and the overall cost will vary.

But to give you a rough idea, the average cost of a damp proof course for a three-bed semi-detached property would be around £800. And the average damp proofing price per metre is £60.

Damp proofing costsCost + VAT (low to high)Average cost
Damp proofing cost per metre£50 to £75£60
Damp proof course cost£250 to £2,000£850
Damp proofing external walls cost£750 to £2,500£1,500
Damp proofing a cellar cost – tanking£30 to £60 per square metre£45 per square metre
Damp proof course injection cost£1,000 to £5,000£3,500
Chemical damp proofing cost£750 to £3,000£1,875
Chimney damp proof cost (not including labour and scaffolding)£75 per roll
Damp proofer cost£100 to £200 day rate

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Cost breakdown of damp proofing per type

The cost of damp proofing a property can vary significantly depending on various factors. The main factors affecting price include the severity of any damp present, the affected area size, the type of damp, any preventative measures you’d like to implement and if any required finishes are necessary.

Every type of damp requires a different course of action, and some are more costly than others. Likewise, repairing little patches of damage in a small room will cost significantly less than completely installing a new damp proof course. Once the issue has been fixed in your home, you may choose to implement preventative measures like a humidifier or extractor fan to avoid dampness developing in the future.

The costs associated with professional damp proofing services may seem significant, but hiring an expert is usually the better choice in the long run. Hiring a professional for damp proofing services ensures a skilled assessment and application of the correct damp proofing methods, which can be complex and require specialised knowledge. A qualified professional can provide a guarantee for the work done, ensuring peace of mind and potentially adding value to your property. If you need help choosing the right tradesperson, have a look at our guide on choosing the right damp proofer.

Cost of fixing rising damp

The cost of fixing rising damp and applying dampness treatment can range from £200 to £5,000, depending on the scope of the problem. However, to give you a rough idea, the average cost of fixing rising damp in a property in the UK is around £2,750.

The cost of repairing rising damp can vary significantly. The main factors affecting costs include the type of property, the severity of the damage caused by the damp and the cause of the rising damp. It’s best to call in a professional to help you determine these factors and receive a quote and treatment plan.

Cost of fixing penetrating damp

Several factors determine the cost of fixing penetrating damp. These include the size and severity of the affected area and the solution required. For example, the cost of treating penetrating damp on interior walls may be low on its own, but determining and resolving the initial cause may be expensive. Below are some average prices on how much it costs to fix penetrating damp, depending on the house type and the areas affected.

House typeSingle wallWhole house
Terraced house£250 to £300£300 to £400
Semi-detached£250 to £400£600 to £900
Detached£500 to £650£1,500 to £2,000

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Cost of damp proofing a cellar

Cellars or basements are more likely to be affected by dampness. As they're used less often than other rooms in the home, damp issues can often go unnoticed for longer than they would in other spaces in the property. On average, damp proofing a cellar or basement costs approximately £45 per square metre.


How long does damp proofing take?

The time it takes to complete a damp proofing project depends on various factors. These include the size of the home and the area being worked on, the extent of the job, and the ease of access to the worksite. However, damp proofing will usually take around one to seven days to complete.

How to reduce damp proofing costs

With some clever planning, there are ways to reduce the overall cost of damp proofing. Here are some tips:

  • Practice ventilation and condensation control: Improve air circulation in the property by installing vents, using dehumidifiers and ensuring extractor fans are used in kitchens and bathrooms. This can help prevent any damp issues in the future, potentially saving money in the long run.
  • Follow routine maintenance: Be sure to regularly clear gutters, repair roof tiles and fix leaks to prevent penetrating dampness. Again, these preventative measures help avoid future damp issues.
  • Use a DIY chemical DPC: To deal with rising damp, consider using a DIY chemical damp proof course kit, following the manufacturer’s instructions closely. However, only do this if you feel confident doing so and remember that hiring a professional will likely lead to significantly better results.
  • Apply waterproofing paints: Apply specialist waterproofing paints to interior walls to help protect against surface dampness. 
  • Seek a professional assessment: Look for a professional diagnosis for the type of damp present to ensure you're addressing the correct problem and not wasting resources on ineffective treatments. 

While these home preventative methods and DIY jobs can help you save money on damp proofing, it’s essential to know when to call in the professionals. Extensive, complex damp issues that go beyond surface treatments will require professional help. By taking proactive steps and tackling what you can yourself while not shying away from professional advice when necessary, you can keep damp proofing costs in check.


What types of damp are there?

There are three types of damp, which can affect damp proofing prices. Rising damp is when moisture moves up through walls from the ground, often leaving a visible tide mark and causing paint and plaster to spoil.

Penetrating damp, on the other hand, is when water enters through the fabric of the building due to structural issues, such as defective roofing or guttering. It can appear at any level on the walls.

Lastly, condensation is the most frequently encountered type of damp, occurring when moist air condenses on colder surfaces within a building. Condensation often results in mould growth, particularly in areas with inadequate ventilation or heating.

What are the causes of damp?

Damp can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Lack of maintenance: Failed damp proof courses, broken roof tiles or blocked guttering can allow water to enter a building. 
  • Poor ventilation: Insufficient air circulation can lead to condensation, especially in areas like kitchens and bathrooms. 
  • Building defects: Cracks in walls, faulty seals around windows and doors or poor construction can allow water penetration. 
  • Environmental conditions: High rainfall, rising groundwater levels or inadequate drainage can worsen damp problems. 
  • Internal sources: Leaking pipes, spills and even the everyday moisture from bathing and cooking can increase humidity levels within a property.
  • Neighbouring influence: Damp can be caused by issues from adjoining properties, such as shared wall dampness, alterations in neighbouring landscaping that affect natural drainage or poorly directed guttering from adjacent buildings leading to water access.

Can I damp proof my home myself?

Most people can easily undertake some damp proofing tasks, such as improving ventilation or applying water-repellent coatings. However, many aspects of damp proofing are most successful with the help of a professional damp proofer.

Professionals have the expertise to correctly diagnose the specific type of damp and understand the best course of action, which often involves more complex solutions like installing a new damp proof course or carrying out structural repairs. For a lasting solution and to ensure the integrity of your home is maintained, it’s best to seek the help of a professional, as they can provide a high-quality service and ensure compliance with Building Regulations.

Your damp proofing checklist

Are you ready to damp proof your property? Even with the help of professionals, it’s important to get your home, and your budget, ready and prepared.

Here’s a checklist to follow to help you with the process:

  • Set a realistic budget, accounting for potential extra expenses
  • Check if planning permission is required or if there are specific regulations you need to adhere to
  • Contact local authorities for guidance on permissions and regulations
  • Seek advice from local experts on the best course of action
  • Compare quotes to find fair, competitive prices. We recommend sourcing at least three quotes
  • Choose a tradesperson who is registered, skilled and accredited 
If you require professional damp proofing help, fortunately, finding a qualified damp proofing specialist is free, easy and quick with MyBuilder. All you need to do is share the details of your project on the MyBuilder platform, and any local professionals who have the right skills and experience, and have availability to work on your project, can get in touch.