Architectural Designers in Porthmadog

Easily find vetted and reviewed Porthmadog Architectural Designers. Just post your job to get free quotes from MyBuilder's Architectural Designers in Porthmadog.

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Some of our top rated architectural designers in Porthmadog

  • Evergreen Architects Ltd

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    Architectural Designer in Porthmadog

    We are an architectural design company, specialising in sustainable, healthy design. We work closely with our clients to develop their initial designs. Our core focus is to design healthy, functional spaces, using our in depth knowledge of sustainable building techniques and materials.

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  • Craftedspace Ltd.

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    Architectural Designer in Porthmadog

    Crafted Space Ltd. is an architectural studio based in Machynlleth, Mid Wales. We make bespoke, crafted architecture for private clients and cultural organisations. Director Jenny Hall is a Chartered Architect and a trained carpenter with a background in the timber framing industry.

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