Stonemasons in Leiston

Easily find vetted and reviewed Leiston Stonemasons. Just post your job to get free quotes from MyBuilder's Stonemasons in Leiston.

How it works

Post your job for free

Post your job for free

Tell us about your job, and we’ll alert suitable tradespeople in your area. It’s simple and free.

Tradespeople respond

Tradespeople respond

Once your job is posted, you’ll get responses from interested tradespeople through the website.

Review profiles and choose

Review profiles and choose

Browse profiles, work history, and feedback, then choose who you wish to share your details with.

Some of our top rated stonemasons in Leiston

  • Kim Meredew Stone Studio Ltd
    Rating: 5 out of 55519 reviews
    Stonemason in Leiston

    I am a stone carver & bricklayer with over 20 years in the trade. Extensive experience in new build & restoration of listed properties. Stone restoration, brickwork, gauged brickwork & tuck pointing, structural openings, steps, fire surrounds, garden walls and patios. Friendly and reliable.

    Latest review:
    Kim arrived on time, great workmanship, very professional, would recomend to anyone who wants a superb job done.
    Get in touch

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