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Plastering & Rendering

Polymer lime-renders

Anonymous user 30 May 2019 - 4.50 PM

I really want to preserve traditional look of my house and use lime renders, I kow that they are much harder to apply compared to cement and pther types, but I heard that there polymer enhanced renders that are much easier to apply and have some benefits with releasing moisture and help with dampness issues. Do you think they are any good and if yes - what brand and where shall I get it from?

2 answers from MyBuilder tradespeople

Best answer
Devon Lime Render Ltd
Rating: 5 out of 5553 reviews

Hi Jevon, Lime render isn't necessarily harder to apply than other types of render and is arguably easier to work with than cement, you just need to know how the material works properly (proper drying times & depths for example) so that it will be strong and last. Polymer enhanced renders tend to have better properties than basic cement but not lime, if you want to keep the traditional look of your property and combat any damp issues effectively, traditional lime mortars applied by the right tradespeople is the way to go for sure.


8 June 2019


Rating: 5 out of 5552 reviews

Lime renders are not necessarily harder to apply than cement renders; they do however require careful post application care. This is in order to 'go off' or carbonate completely. They are built up using a multicoat system which may well take longer than cement render, however the result will be entirely breathable and will help preserve the original construction. Traditional materials only should be applied to traditionally constructed properties; this not only looks correct but will help to prolong the life of the building too. Lime premix renders can be obtained from many lime suppliers or use a decent tradesperson or company that can mix and apply their own


1 August 2023
