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Demolition & Clearance

do I need any permission to demolish a chimney brest in the ground floor living room and who is qualified to carry out this work for me

Anonymous user 24 January 2012 - 10.47 AM

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4 Answers

Best answer
CKG Solutions Ltd
Rating: 5 out of 555151 reviews
Hemel Hempstead
You do not need permission to demolish a chimney breast however, if you demolish the breast on the ground floor you have to make sure you have enough support in place to support the breast on the floors above it? A builder would be the best person to carry out this work. best regards CKG
Answered25 January 2012



Roc builders
Rating: 5 out of 55516 reviews
You wont need permission unless its a listed building but you will need to follow building regs when you support what remains of the chimney.If you share your chimney with a neighbour you will also need a party wall agreement.Your best bet would be to get yourself some advice from a structural engineer before going any further.
Answered25 January 2012



Anonymous user

As its classed as structural works, you need to inform building control. You will also need a structural engineer to calculate steels etc which may be required. BCO will inspect the work and issue a completion certificate. A good general builder will be able to carry out the works.
Answered25 January 2012



Jonathan Dixon Builders
Rating: 5 out of 55527 reviews
Hi you may need consent if it a listed building, allso if the chimney brest continues above the ground floor you would need building regs for any supporting work once the chimney brest is demolished.A good general builder would be able to the work.
Answered25 January 2012
