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Plastering & Rendering

Will a damp wall dry out on is own or does the plaster ned replacing

Anonymous user 27 November 2011 - 5.35 PM

I have a damp wall in my hallway due to a leaking gutter. The gutter is now fixed but the pointing on the external wall needs replacing. Once the pointing has been redone, will the internal walls dry out on their own or willthe plaster need to be replaced?

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9 Answers

Anonymous user

The answer depends upon the material used for the construction of the wall and the type of plaster. However if you have pink (Gypsum) plaster coupled with furry white efforescence crystals on the surface then you will almost certainly have to replace the plaster. Ideally with a renovating plaster or sand and cement with salt inhibitor. Note: it can take 6-12 months for a wall to dry, depending upon its construction and the ambient conditions
Answered29 November 2011



Anonymous user

HI, Damp can occur for many reasons and correct diagnosis is the first step to solving the problem. On the face of it, It appears your damp is caused by 'free moisture' from the leaking guttering. A leaking gutter can cause water ingress and should be attended to immediately to avoid the many inherent problems caused by damp such as decor deterioration, mold (associated health problems), wall tie failure (cavity walls) and loss of heat etc. A complete fix of the cause of the problem is necessary as the first thing to do. If mold spores are present treat them with an anti-fungal wash to fully eradicate the problem. Another problem that can occur is hygroscopic salts or 'salt damp', in this case the problem area will need to be removed with a suitable physical barrier installed along with correct salt inhibiting preparation and finishing coats. In this case black mold will not be present but a flaking and bubbling of paint, wall paper coming away and tide marks are tell tale signs. Salts may be present and will attract moisture even if the initial problem is solved. In any case, you could wait to see if it dries out it should take a few days, also carry out a test the guttering for leaks with a hose to save waiting for a rainy day. If it isn't drying out it should be apparent. At this stage correct diagnosis may be necessary to ascertain the correct solution. Third party insurance backed guarantee are offered for this type of work. Hope this information helps... Best regards, James.
Answered29 November 2011



Anonymous user

If the plaster is still in sound condition it will dry out, might be best to get a dehumiderfier in.
Answered29 November 2011



Anonymous user

By all accounts,Yes, but if there is any damage ie cracking or joint movement, then I would consider having it patch repaired,but if drying out is a success then primer stain block the area so has there's protection and no lasting staining,then a couple of coats of contract emulsion should make it good without any telltale stains being left. This is my own opinion though as a painter and decorator, the builders might have a entirely different solution. All the best Chris spence
Answered29 November 2011



Anonymous user

once all the brickwork is water tight the will naturally dry out. In terms of the internal plaster as long as it hasnt blown the existing plaster and still feels solid it will also dry out and shouldnt need replacing
Answered29 November 2011



Anonymous user

This plaster should dry out on its own when the source of the water ingress is cured, However wallpaper and paint coverings will slow down this process.
Answered29 November 2011



BTS Construction (sw) Ltd
Rating: 5 out of 5558 reviews
The wall will dry out on its own accord at some point. depending whether the cavity is filled with injected cavity insulation as this will hold the water and needs to be pulled out. If the plaster is not damaged then you could hire a dehumidifier for a week or so and this will dry out the wall with out the need to replace the plaster. Hope this helps.
Answered29 November 2011



Baileystorm Preservation
Rating: 5 out of 5557 reviews
Hi, If the internal plaster is visably wet or there is spoilt and stained decoration,with salt deposits on the wall.I would recommend the installation of a chemical dampcourse and the associated rendering and plastering to a specification in this area.
Answered29 November 2011



tm property services
Rating: 5 out of 55560 reviews
the plaster should dry out on its own as long as it is sound,this could take a while, I would suggest rhat you get a dehumidifier to assist, regards Terry.
Answered29 November 2011
