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Windows & Door Fitting

Replace rubber seal

Anonymous user 12 January 2017 - 11.43 AM

I've not long moved into my house and all of the window seals (between glass and upvc) are ruined. They look brittle and have cracked in most places. The windows get full of condensation which I'm guessing has contributed over the years. Is it possible to have these removed and replaced or would our money be better spent on new windows throughout?

2 answers from MyBuilder tradespeople

Anonymous user

No need to buy new windows the gasket can be taken out and replaced with new. To help get it out first get warm soapy water and rub into gasket. Take out old and wedge in new gasket If you have condensation between glass again you do not need new frames just glass.


12 January 2017


Rating: 5 out of 55529 reviews

You are able to buy replacement glass units as it sounds as though your exsisting units have failed/broken down! It may even be worth wile replacing with 'A' rated glass to slightly improve the thermal efficiency. As for the brittle gasket, this can be easily removed and replaced. If the windows are externally beaded i would recommend removing the old brittle gasket and replace with double sided tape.


12 January 2017
