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Spur off lighting for a socket

Anonymous user 8 December 2016 - 8.21 PM

I need a socket in my loft for a booster. There upstairs is wired with 1mm t+e, an I am curious to know if I can take a 1mm from one of the switches for a socket in the loft for a booster. All the sockets are inaccessible as the upstairs external walls have dab all over the top of the wall, meaning I cant fish a cable down to spur off a socket, and any sockets on the internal walls (stud walls) have been wired from below, and I don't want to make any damage to achieve this. With the lighting being on the stud walls I know I can fish a cable from above and into the switch.

1 answer from MyBuilder tradespeople

Rating: 5 out of 55572 reviews

No do not attempt this. Just curious why would you try and fish a cable to the switch?? Please get an electrician in for everyone's safety.


9 December 2016
