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Carpentry & Joinery

What is the best method of installing mdf skirting boards? adhesive? plugs & screws?

Anonymous user 5 September 2011 - 7.54 PM

My flat was fully replastered and would like to reinstall skirtings. I would prefer adhesive but do not know what type of adhesive. Can you also suggest a brand? Thank you.

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6 Answers

Best answer
Charlie Carpentry
Rating: 5 out of 555387 reviews
Newport, Gwent
I agree with Hampshire carpenter. I always use decorators caulk as it is cheap, easy to clean off and you can caulk top of skirting as you go. Pinning with second fix nail gun is optional but helps to hold in til caulk goes off.
Answered10 September 2011



Anonymous user

Hi Screw and plugs will always be better, espescially if your walls are a bit bumpy...and the skirting needs pulling back. Most people stick it these days. The best stuff I've used to stick it is yellow gripfill by evo stik...link http://www.powertoolsdirect.com/evo-stik-gripfill-yellow-solvent-free-adhesive-350ml It has an instant grab property, and It's water based so you can fill in the gaps between the top of the skirting and wall with it, smooth off with a damp rag...and paint when dry. No more nails is similar (unibond), but a bit thicker in consistancy, so you have to push it back quite hard. It can be expensive because it's aimed at the DIY market...link http://www.vellumartwholesale.com/contents/en-uk/p596.html Painters mate or decorators caulk is a flexible water based filler, but is excellent for sticking skirting on the walls, as it dries it shrinks, which pulls the skirting back...it also works with coving. Try and buy solvent free, because it's easier to clean up... especially if you get it all over the wall :) I'm sure loads of people will disagree but I hope this helps
Answered31 December 2011



Anonymous user

hi if the walls are nice and straight after being plastered? carpenters will usually use grip fill or no more nails and just occasionally put a screw in to hold the skirting back tight until the grip fill/no more nails has set then remove the screw.
Answered6 September 2011



Anonymous user

Use a product called Grip fill http://www.screwfix.com/p/gripfill-350ml/10261 ,If your floor's are bare nail or screw some 2"x2" in 10cm lengh's along the skirting edge to hold the skirting against the wall if needed to keep a straight line until the grip fill has cured. Also recommended at skirting joins.If plugs and screws are necessary use car body filler to cover the pug holes ;)
Answered6 September 2011



Anonymous user

I agree with hampshire carpenter If You have the luxury of a 2nd fix nail gun then you can tack the mitres with this or you can buy mitre fix which holds the mitre perfect If the walls have been plastered then make sure they are dry first otherwise they won't stick Best regards
Answered9 September 2011



TRM Roofing/Builder
Rating: 5 out of 555275 reviews
I always use clear silicone or no nails, clear silicone is cheaper. Regards Trevor.
Answered6 September 2011
