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Driveways & Paving

Do I need to lift my old block paved car park, for new build house in my garden

Anonymous user 27 June 2014 - 2.07 PM

I am building a house where my garage is, and have a very big car park to the front of say 6/7 cars in size laid with block paving for the past 18 or so years. It has never flooded, water does not sit on it, but drains through it. Do I have to replace this drive with SUDS compliant now as SUDS was not around 18 years ago?

2 answers from MyBuilder tradespeople

Anonymous user

Only if you want to change the old existing paving with a new one,but probably you will because all the traffic over the paving with no cover protection on ,i think there is no choice.


22 July 2017


kevin cassidy building contractors
Rating: 5 out of 55551 reviews

As far as I am aware only if its a requirement for your planning permission.


27 June 2014
