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Glass or tile roof?

Anonymous user 23 February 2024 - 2.50 PM

We are converting two rooms into one open plan kitchen area. One of these rooms is an extension with poly carbon roof (5m x 2m). In this part of kitchen we would like to place a double glazing glass roof with patio door leading into a garden. In the second room, there is a chimney breast fitted in the external wall. We want to get rid of this chimney and fit there a big window overviewing the garden. After converting we are extending this whole kitchen area by 2m as well and therefore there is a need to built a 2 m wide roof above this window. We can use a glass roof as well which would give us even more natural light or a tile roof which is probably more energy efficient. Is it gonna make any difference? Because this roof would be about 3m long 2m wide but there is already this big 5x2 m glass roof in the other half of kitchen. We have no idea how cold or warm this room is gonna be as at the moment there is this poly carbon roof in a very bad condition. The last winter it was very cold inside, so we are looking for some solution that would provide nice warm environment.

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2 Answers

GN Building Services (Stafford) Ltd
Rating: 4.8 out of 54.8525 reviews
To do this type of work, you will need plans, and also building control approval. It is certainly possible. You will need laminated glass double or triple glazing. Best to have it coated for self cleaning and also to reflect the heat wavelengths in the sun, this is quite standard. A more practical idea may well be large Velux windows. These lest in a lot of light and look very attractive. It will come down to the thermal efficiency of the room. Regards, Paul Albright
Answered21 November 2014



Glynderi Builders
Rating: 4 out of 5454 reviews
Hi you need to have plans drawn up by an architect , and building control approval. You have not stated the kind of roof , is it flat or pitched . If its flat then you could have an orangery installed this will let lots of natural light in . The energy efficiency will be worked out by you architect to comply with regs and would be a lot better than it currently is , and of course you need some kind of heating , underfloor maybe.
Answered4 April 2017
