Architectural Designers in Haverfordwest

Easily find vetted and reviewed Haverfordwest Architectural Designers. Just post your job to get free quotes from MyBuilder's Architectural Designers in Haverfordwest.

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Some of our top rated architectural designers in Haverfordwest

  • Rooms under the Sky

    No reviews yet

    Architectural Designer in Haverfordwest

    My name is Douglas Ardern. I am a registered Architect with over 20 years experience. I can offer assistance for the design of; bespoke garden rooms; extensions; loft conversions; refurbishments and new builds. I can also help link you up with the relevant engineers and with suitable builders (in the Cardiff vicinity).

    Get in touch
  • James Building Design
    Rating: 5 out of 55527 reviews
    Architectural Designer in Haverfordwest

    James Building Design was established in 2015 by Adam James. Adam has a first class degree in Architectural Technology and is a trained carpenter with over 20 years experience in the construction industry. James Building & Design can take your project from conception to completion, be it a small building job to a home extension/renovation. Adam has experience in passive house technologies, the building regulations and planning.

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    Latest review:
    I wanted advice on my renovation project and Adam was most helpful, offering ideas after a thorough inspection. I have now decided to make changes as per our conversation. A useful and constructive meeting. Many thanks for your help, Adam.

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