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Plastering & Rendering

How long after plastering can you paint a 'mist' coat on and what is the ratio water to paint? Thank you!

Anonymous user 28 November 2011 - 11.12 AM

Super replies guys, feel confident to tackle the job now! Many thanks!

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11 Answers

Anonymous user

Hiya, ideally leave it some time to settle in, the longer the better, but if you're desperate to get it done, then usually within 4 days or as soon as the plaster has completely set in a soft pink colour. I would clean up the edges if needed, then with some P180 sandpaper, give it a light rub over, complete dustdown, clean the walls with a light mix of washing up liquid and water to remove all traces of dust. After that, you're ready for painting! 50% paint / 50% water, thouroughly mixed. 2 good coats of this should get your walls nicely sealed and ready for your colour.
Answered30 November 2011



Anonymous user

Use Dulux Super Matt Diluted to 2/10th. That is 2 litres water to 10 litres paint. This is the paint they use on DIY SOS etc which means it CAN be used on setting plaster(that is med red onwards) without any staining/ring marks etc etc. Bit more expensive but excellent finish
Answered1 December 2011



Rating: 5 out of 55582 reviews
when it,s dry! depending on whether you have heat in the room,you will see it change colour,from dark red to a pinkish colour,normally leave it one week,water the paint down as much as you like
Answered30 November 2011



coastal ceilings&walls
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.95158 reviews
Only when the plaster is fully dry.Opinions vary,ive always used a one part water/one part paint...worked for me the last 30yrs !!! Richard
Answered30 November 2011



Anonymous user

hi your mist coat ratio should be 70% water 30% emulsion, plaster moves as it drys and hair line cracks appear with in 18 months. apply this ratio mist coat softens the plaster so your 2 full coats of emulsion will sink in rather than sit on top so less hair line cracks will appear. good luck. kind regards, lee @ first choice decorators.
Answered30 October 2013



Anonymous user

when the plaster has dried and is back to a light pinky colour it is ready to paint, you can water the mist coat down by about 20% percent if you wish but it is not necessary, when you cut in with a brush make sure you roller over them straight away otherwise the new plaster will dry the paint quick leaving the brush marks
Answered30 November 2011



Rating: 5 out of 5557 reviews
you have to wait till plaster is completely dry and then you can put mist coat, paint should be watery: 1l of paint and 1.5l of water
Answered30 November 2011



Anonymous user

50 water 50 paint give it about 3 coats
Answered13 January 2013



Ad's Plastering Services
Rating: 5 out of 5551 review
Allow plaster to fully dry then mix 50/50 water and paint which allows new plaster to take the moisture preventing the paint to flake off
Answered23 June 2017



Edward Appleton
Rating: 5 out of 55526 reviews
It depends on how warm it is for it to dry and set. Normally you can tell when plaster turns to a lighter pink colour. If you paint it when it's still a dark pink it could flake off. You can use any colour water bass Matt emulsion depends on colour of Finnish. I normally water it down about 25%
Answered23 April 2017



Anonymous user

Leave until light pink Then 50:50 ratio paint to water Use any light matt emulsion to seal new plaster
Answered15 September 2022
