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Damp Proofing

Damp on an interior wall

Anonymous user 8 February 2013 - 11.32 AM

We have discovered damp on the downstairs lounge wall. It is the wall that separates the kitchen and lounge. The wall in the kitchen houses the oven/grill and in the lounge a wall mounted TV. The house was built in 1999. We had a damp proof 'specialist' come and have a look. He confirmed it was rising damp and the plaster would need to be removed to over half way up the wall, damp proof injected within, replastered etc., When I queried why it should happen in a relatively new house and on only one wall (it's okay kitchen side) I was told that it was unusual and was put down to bad workmanship. I have checked externally and there are no apparent blockages. Is replastering the only solution.

2 answers from MyBuilder tradespeople

Anonymous user

Hi Beverly, sorry about the issues you are having in your home. In our opinion and based on our experience, it may be PENETRATING DAMP rather than rising damp. Rising damp rarely surfaces on internal walls. The only exception of this being rising damp is if the damp is detected from behind the skirting at ground level. Is the paint peeling just near the skirting or is it from halfway up the wall? If it is indeed rising damp the it will be necessary to check the condition of the floor near the wall as well just to determine the main cause. Please contact us if you have any more questions.


10 February 2013


Trident Damp
Rating: 5 out of 555305 reviews

Hi there Generally if you have damp on one side you should have damp on the other I feel this a problem that does need looking at again maybe scrape a small area of surface plaster off then check for dampness in case its condensation, rising damp does not generally go over a metre get another opinion hard one to advise with out seeing Regards Joseph


10 February 2013
