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Fascias, Soffits & Guttering

plastic on wood

Anonymous user 7 November 2020 - 12.29 PM

can i take the guttering of my garage put plastic over the wood then put the guttering back over the plastic.

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4 Answers

Anonymous user

Hi, yes you can buy UPVC capping fascias and soffit boards, however the original timber would have to be in a good condition with no signs of rot, if it is rotted then the timber should be cut out and replaced. Once the timber is covered with UPVC this will add a degree of protection to the original fascias. Capping over is a cheaper option than full replacement but from down below you cant tell the difference so it still looks nice.
Answered7 November 2020



PW Property Services
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.9554 reviews
I personally wouldn’t as if the wood is rotting or anything will affect this in time so I like to do this properly and remove all the wood and replace with upvc
Answered7 November 2020



Max rossiter windows
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.9520 reviews
Hi as the other guy answered yes you can but may be better buying new guttering if the original guttering is old and brittle?? and if you have rot you may as well remove the wood instead of repairing as time and cost will add up and just replace with plastic fascia and soffit wil have a longer life too
Answered12 November 2020



Anonymous user

No , You should never clad over ( put plastic fascias over existing timbers). The timber will rot behind. Replaced lots of jobs and the timbers behind can be in a very bad way. Do it once and do it right. You will need some kind of vent as it needs to breath. Perhaps look on the Internet and see examples. Hope this helps
Answered25 November 2020
