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Sewage smell in all bathrooms

Anonymous user 8 October 2020 - 6.15 PM

We have a house with 2 en-suite bathrooms, 1 family bathroom and a WC. The house is only a few years old and we have lived here for a year. The guest ensuite is on the third floor and is rarely used. We have noticed over the past few months a sewage like smell coming from The en-suite in the master bedroom which is on the second floor. More recently the smell has become worse and is also starting to notice in the family bathroom and the WC. It is not all the time but tends to come and go, and will vary which bathroom smells. I have read that unused bathrooms need the water running every now and then so have been going up and running the taps, shower and flushing the toilet but this doesn’t seem to help clear the smell. The bathrooms are cleaned regularly, and drain blockers put down to try and clear any blockages. I am unsure what to try and am looking for suggestions please.

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4 Answers

Best answer
D & R Property and Plumbing Maintenance
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.9541 reviews
New Romney
blockage in soil stack or drain can cause back pressure forcing smells back through traps if you have an aav this will not stop back pressure,traps syphoning out due to poor plumbing design or installation, get a qualified plumber to investigate it.
Answered9 October 2020



Anonymous user

Have you been running the shower? The trap in the drain will dry out every month or two. ——— Just read your post properly. If the showers are being run and you still have a smell coming up then you might have a blockage somewhere.
Answered8 October 2020



N A Whitby, Plumbing & Maintenance
Rating: 5 out of 555267 reviews
Can you see the main soil stack from the outside of the property, it should run up the height of the building, if inside it should terminate through the roof, if it is not visible it could be terminated inside the property and not have a proper valve on. You may need to call a plumber to investigate.
Answered8 October 2020



Plumbing solutions
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.95103 reviews
I would check in the loft if there is a AAV or durgo , try removing it from the soil pipe it should be a push fitting with a Rubber collar , and leave it off for a day or two if the smell clears you know it’s the the Durgo
Answered29 October 2020
