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Bricklaying & Repointing

Internal repointing

Anonymous user 11 August 2020 - 5.37 AM

I live in an old Victorian mill conversion which was originally built with an ugly black ash mortar. I’ve decided to have the two of the walls repointed internally, using lime mortar. However I’ve read that entire elevations shouldn’t be repointed unless absolutely necessary, especially in old buildings and am now worried that I might have compromised the structural integrity of the building. Have I made a mistake? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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2 Answers

Best answer
ASH Build

No reviews yet

Shouldn’t be any issue with repointing wall as long as you’ve used actual lime mortar. Lime mortar will let the brick work breath and move as it should.
Answered19 August 2020



NB Masonry Services
Rating: 5 out of 5557 reviews
Yes there’s no problem in doing the repointing, has long has you have used the correct lime mix and a 3.5 nhl lime. Hope this helps.
Answered19 August 2020
