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Polycarbonate Roof Upgrade

Anonymous user 29 September 2019 - 9.41 PM

It has been mentioned that if I only want to replace the polycarbonate roof panels. This can be done much without major expense. Could the 20 year old panels be changed and just put new glazing caps on. There doesn't seem to be any problem with the structure of the roof. So is it possible to get someone to do the above?

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4 Answers

Best answer
p&k home improvements
Rating: 5 out of 55519 reviews
whilst this sounds a simple replacement of polycarbonate sheets and in some cases it will be the fact the roof is 20 years old it could be a problem to source replacement cappings and the old ones will be brittle because of thier age and are likely to crack or split on removal, make sure the person carring out the replacement can source them ( if needed ) before work commences
Answered30 September 2019



CWDR (Correct Window & Door Repairs Ltd)
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.95600 reviews
It’s a cheap reliable way out we replace poly roof panels daily as long as the panel thickness is the same the end caps will always fit no problem
Answered11 October 2019



Doors 2 go ltd
Rating: 5 out of 5558 reviews
Merthyr Tydfil
Changing polycarbonate no problem sourcing cap bars a bit harder to do because of age of roof
Answered11 October 2019



Superior Conservatories Ltd
Rating: 5 out of 5556 reviews
this is quite correct although this can be done in some circumstances it would be a visual inspection would determine the type of roof construction as well there have been many roof companys been and gone
Answered14 October 2019
