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Carpentry & Joinery

Deck block suppliers

Anonymous user 29 July 2019 - 4.26 PM

Hello Am planning to get a shed , however have to prepare the foundation for the shed beforehand. I would like to use Deck blocks that can be used to line in the timber base support. However am not sure where i can purchase these Deck blocks. Any advise is appreciated. Thanks a lot!

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4 Answers

Sam Deacon
Best answer
Sam Deacon
Rating: 4.9 out of 54.9568 reviews
Hi, if your having a shed then I would suggest a more suitable hard standing, the deck blocks are designed for decking joists (wooden beams that support decking) to sit within the cast concrete slots, you would be better having a frame built and filled with concrete or a base dug into the ground and filled with concrete. Hope this helps Kind regards
Answered29 July 2019



Raine Construction
Rating: 5 out of 5555 reviews
The best way in my opinion is always to prepare the area and concrete a base for a shed, by the time you mess about leveling things up like blocks or slabs you could have it done properly and give full support to the shed base timbers. Regards
Answered29 July 2019



Arcus Landscapes
Rating: 5 out of 5551 review
Concrete deck blocks can be purchased from Silva Timber merchants (https://www.silvatimber.co.uk/concrete-deck-pier-deck-block.html) or alternatively for something a little more stable Challenge fencing offer concrete deck supports (https://www.challengefencing.com/product/450mm-concrete-decking-post/11144/1/1)
Answered5 August 2019



Greater Manchester Business Services Ltd
Rating: 5 out of 55518 reviews
I agree with the previous tradesman completely however there is an alternative cheaper option if required. Which is to create a surround (I use sleepers), and fill this with MOT hardcore to around 2" below the top of the sleepers. I would then fill this area with a a 5-10mm stone, either decorative of pea gravel to create a drainage barrier away from the shed base. The surround will usually be bigger than the footprint of the shed by around 18" when I create a hardstanding. Hope this helps. there is also a secondary style which involve a sleeper surround with internal sleepers going across, then placing 6"x2" cross supports to which the shed can be attached as a full 6"x2" base will be created over the sleeper surround. Both of these would be cheaper than filling the surround with concrete, however the concrete base solution would be a permanent one that would last for years. IF you however got rid of the shed or moved it, then you would be left with a concrete block in your garden and very hard to remove.
Answered15 August 2019
