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Gardening & Landscaping

How long does artificial grass last for?

Anonymous user 22 May 2019 - 3.12 PM

I am thinking of getting rid of the mud pit of a garden and laying fake grass. Will it fade in the sun? Thank you for advice.

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4 Answers

Best answer
Kent Turf Care Ltd.
Rating: 4.6 out of 54.659 reviews
Artificial turf will last in excess of 15 years if looked after. It all comes down to being installed correctly on a properly prepared base. Ensure the base is free draining and stable before placing on a sharp sand bed 50mm deep compact and level to ensure a smooth surface once artificial turf is laid. The problem is that artificial lawn requires sweeping monthly and weed treatment as and when required. If you have pets you will need to deodorize and disinfect the lawn area on a regular bases. A good installer will give you a care sheet for the long term maintenance of your new lawn. The Artificial turf is UV stabilizers are part of the product, not something that can be washed off or worn off. Even so, artificial grass does experience very slight fading over time – typically less than 8% color reduction in 10 years.
Answered10 June 2019



DFP Building Services
Rating: 5 out of 55581 reviews
Kingston Upon Thames
We agree 100%. The answer given by KTC Services is spot on.
Answered10 June 2019



Rating: 5 out of 5551 review
If the customer has pets then we always recommend using grano dust has it drains better and dont get the build up from dog wee in the sharp sand over time. Everything else I completely agree ktc services above.
Answered21 June 2019
