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Architectural Services

Kitchen extension steels

Anonymous user 20 April 2017 - 11.33 AM

Hi I am currently having a kitchen, dinning room extension done at my property. The builder has told me that I need to wait for the steels as they have to be ordered. I thought this was because of the length of the steel. Anyway my question is what is the maximum steel I can have installed. At the moment I have a box standard steel in place and one nib that is over one meter in length. So can I not have a steel long enough to enable the nib to be a lot shorter. Only with two meters taken off the opening I won't actually gain anything. The new kitchen will look a mess with part of the kitchen being behind a huge nib. Any help or advise would be great.

2 answers from MyBuilder tradespeople

Sandau Enterprises UK
Rating: 4.6 out of 54.6522 reviews

An RSJ can be huge, your best bet is to have the dimensions to hand of the span you need to cover and what is above it and ring a structural engineering company or an RSJ company and they will tell you the best way to deal with it. If they think there might be a sale in it they will happily tell you for free.


20 April 2017



Anonymous user

Hi To answer your question (Anyway my question is what is the maximum steel I can have installed) you can have one installed from one end to other of the property, you have to understand that it does include engineering structural calculations and more work is involved. Not to many people want to do so due to cost, although the finish product is great. Regards


10 May 2017
